Chemical reagents and other products used for DNA-related techniques and processes such as PCR cloning, DNA sequencing, DNA cloning and mapping, mutagenesis, DNA synthesis, etc.; includes kits, columns, buffers, labelling technology, and others.
VetMAX™ Xeno™ Internal Positive Control (IPC) RNA serves as an internal positive control for the RNA purification process and helps monitor for the presence of PCR inhibitors in animal health molecular detection workflows. This is of particular importance when working with sample types that have a high level of inhibitors such as oral fluids.
Encompass Procurement Services Non-distribution item offered as a customer accommodation; additional freight charges may apply. Learn More
The dye-labeled oligonucleotides included in the Matrix Standard DS-02 set (dR110, dR6G, dTAMRA™, dROX™, and LIZ™) are used to generate the 'multicomponent matrix' required for the SNaPshot™ Multiplex Kit.
Encompass Procurement Services Non-distribution item offered as a customer accommodation; additional freight charges may apply. Learn More